Monkey Banana. Can you handle the cool?

Monkey Banana.  Can you handle the cool?

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fertility Festivities!!

We visited a Hobbit House for a night of Pagan fun last week. The kids dyed eggs to decorate their Spring Fertility Trees, and made pretty collages of Spring-like images (my kid picked mostly owls, and a cave... go fig). This is the pretty tree Ziggy decorated. I love it, and will keep it in her room as a start to her Sacred Space. She's a stone collector, and I've kept some of the more important stones, and will guide her toward arranging them in a way that pleases her.

I wish I had pics of the Hobbit House... I hope I get an invite back, so I can bring my camera. That place was amazing. I'm jealous of the awesomeness of the house. For serious. Custom homes are mega groovy.

Today is April Fools... I don't do pranks, and nobody has pulled one on me... but there are some cute things floating about the internet... such as this adorable story from ZooBorns.

Soo... yeah.... HAPPY APRIL! It's a 4 day weekend. Joy of Joys!

I plan on enjoying the weather, having my husband home, and letting my child run wild through the wilderness. I can't believe it's already 1 month until Beltane. This winter was a fast one... I'm not going to complain, except that it is a scary reminder of Global Climate Change. Yikes.

Oh, and if you're a fan of the Africam that I'd posted last month, here is a new webcam for your enjoyment... obviously, my child loves THIS webcam more than the watering hole in South Africa... it's owlets!!

Enjoy your baby owl viewing!


  1. (my kid picked mostly owls, and a cave... go fig).
    your child is a fantastic template.

  2. Srsly. She's all about owls, and dark creepy places.

    I know she's getting a new stuffed owl today (my mom is going to surprise her with it), but it's pink... I bet you she won't like it. This is her fave owl:

    he's made fo black feathers. She also love Hallowe'en above all other holidays, because of all the "dead guys".
